Gozo Cabs stands for TRANSPARENT billing
When we buy a service, we expect to know what we will pay for our usage before hand. So why shouldn’t our customers. That is why, a detailed description of your expected billing is shared with every Gozocabs travel confirmation. The following image is of a sample confirmation email and it shows every little detail on what you can expect to pay or not to pay for on your trip.
Please note, if you are changing the route and the distance travelled exceeds the estimated distance, you become liable to pay additional charges. You can know how much you are expected to pay for the extra kilometres travelled as we keep you informed about the up ahead charge per extra kilometre.
We also request to provide exact pick and drop address so that we can provide an exact quotation. Your final bill might change if you don’t provide the exact pick and drop address.
The charges that change according to the traffic conditions, route changes, etc. may or may not apply to all travellers. That is why, some of these charges like parking, airport entry fees are typically excluded in our quotation and are billed to you as applicable according to your rental . We try to list the common charges that are excluded. Some examples include-
- Parking charges
- Airport entry and parking charges
- Waiting time
- COD (Collect on Delivery, cash handling) charges, this can be waived if your payment is received at least 48 hours before the start of travel.
An invoice is ALWAYS included in your booking. You can find its link in the booking confirmation email. The same link is updated with the final charges after the trip. You can find the complete billing information (including the overhead charges) in the invoice and the final bill.
We also always ask you to read the terms and conditions beforehand and contact us for any doubts or queries regarding quotations, bookings, or travel.
Whether you are our existing customer or a new one, our highest priority is to serve you best and be transparent about our billing.
Happy Travelling!