Things to do in Vrindavan

When we visit a place, we wish to capture the memories in a frame. This way, we can relive the time, once we were into. Visiting Vrindavan is in itself an experience. You can click pictures around the temples, but many temples prohibit the photography inside. Any ways, there are lot more to experience. Following are some of our picks-

Attend evening aarti at Kesi Ghat

The locals in Vrindavan are spiritually connected with the Kesi Ghat. They believe that Lord Krishna killed the demon Kesi and took bath in this ghat to refresh himself. Evening aarti at Kesi ghat is worth attending.

evening aarti at Kesi Ghat

Attend evening aarti at the Iskcon temple

The evening aarti of lord Krishna at the Iskon temple is an everyday happy event. One can find the devotees nodding and dancing with joy. The music, the oil lanterns, the incense aroma, the prasad, everything is an experience here.

evening aarti at the Iskcon temple

Perform Parikrama

Parikrama is a circular walk around the Hindu deity. In Vrindavan, the parikrama of the town is of significance. People take about 6 kilometers walk around the town. This walk can be completed in three hours. There is no fixed starting point, but one can start and end at the Iskcon temple. After completing the parikrama, one can enjoy the lunch at the Iskcon’s.

Eat meals at Govindas Restaurant

Most of the food outlets in Vrindavan serve vegetarian food. Since it is a land of God, so people don’t prefer hunting animals for food. Govindas restaurant is located at the back side of the Iskcon temple. The food is mouth watering here.

Try Vrindavan special lassi

Lassi is an Indian cold drink made from yogurt and milk. Lassi is originally every home’s drink in Punjab. The street vendors in Vrindavan also serve very good quality creamy lassi.

lassi vrindavan

Beware of monkeys

Because of the forest area, the town is full of monkeys. Also because they find ample food because of visitors, monkeys feel Vrindavan their home. They have a menace here and are known to snatch food, purses, cameras, glasses, etc from the tourists.

Catch up more information about Vrindavan-

What is Vrindavan famous for?

Places to visit in Vrindavan

Vrindavan picture gallery

Must have food in Vrindavan

Holi in Vrindavan

One day trip to Vrindavan

Two days trip to Vrindavan

How to reach Vrindavan

